Cycling Incident

Bike crash advice: if you are involved in a cycling incident, follow these tips to make the process of medical treatment, insurance claims, and bike repairs easier.

If you cannot call the police, try to remain at the scene to document the situation. It will help police officers correctly identify the motorist and vehicle.

Collect Information

If you have time to wait for the police, gather all information that may be relevant. It includes the name, address, and insurance details of any motorist involved in the accident. Additionally, get the phone numbers and identities of any witnesses. Before you rush to stand up, check for injuries that are not immediately apparent.

It can be easy to overlook a concussion, for example, that could develop into severe symptoms a day or two later. Bikers should continue checking the position of their brake levers and shifters after a crash, and even though it is often just a case of pushing them back in place, it’s better to do this than to ride away and discover that your lever is now so positioned that you cannot grab it!

Also, talk to a motor insurer once you have sought free legal advice from these Philadelphia bicycle accident attorneys. It is essential to document the accident correctly, which could help you receive fair compensation for your injuries and damaged property.

Report The Incident

Assuming you’re not severely injured, and your bike isn’t in danger of getting further damaged, you should make a note or do a mental inventory of where you were when the accident happened. You need to be able to identify yourself in case a motorist takes off, making it impossible for police to track them down later on.

If you can move your bicycle, get it out of the travel lanes and onto a footpath or kerbside. It would help if you moved to a safe place, out of traffic and other cyclists. You can get the name, address, and phone number of any witnesses and their ages, genders, and other essential details.

It would help if you also asked to see the motorist’s license, vehicle registration, and insurance details. Do not agree to any settlements with the driver, as this may work against you in your personal injury claim.

Get To A Safe Place

Immediately after a fall, get yourself out of harm’s way. Moving out of the roadway or any other location exposes you to driving traffic, even if you think you are not injured. The adrenaline can mask some injuries, so a quick assessment of your condition is essential. Ensure your bike is kept from lying where it can be damaged further. If you must move your bike to a safe place, make a mental or written note of where it was before it was moved.

Take photos of the scene (ideally time and date stamped) with your phone. The information you gather will be essential for the police report and insurance claim, so remember to do it! Obtain the name, address, and phone number of everyone involved in the incident, including the motorist(s). Also, ask them for their insurance information. Record their vehicle registration numbers and make model, and color. Also, record their statements about what happened.

Seek Medical Attention

A medical check-up is essential after any crash, even a minor one. Adrenaline can mask pain, and a severe injury could be present. Check to see that all of your limbs move as they should and that there are no signs of broken bones.

If you hit your head, it is essential to assume that you have suffered a concussion and take the proper precautions. Sometimes, police officers are more concerned with recording the motorist’s version of events and may not bother to interview cyclists.

Do everything you can to get your statement included in the report, and be sure to report any injuries, no matter how minor they seem at the time (they may develop into something more serious later on). If it is safe to do so, before the police leave, ask for their names and contact information. It can help your lawyer identify any witnesses down the road. Also, save receipts for any clothing or bicycle gear items you must replace due to the accident.

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