9 Ways Tell Difference Virgin Hair And Raw Hair

When it comes to purchasing hair extensions, two terms that are often used interchangeably are virgin hair and raw hair. While they may seem similar, there are significant differences between the two. Nana Hair Vendor will explore the key differences between virgin hair and raw hair, helping you make an informed decision when choosing the right hair extensions for yourself.

1. Introduction

Virgin hair and raw hair are two types of human hair extensions that are highly sought after for their quality and natural appearance. They are both unprocessed and free from chemicals, but there are differences in their sourcing and processing.

2. Understanding Virgin Hair

Understanding Virgin Hair .


Virgin hair is hair that has never been chemically processed, permed, or colored. It is collected from a single donor and has all its cuticles intact, which means it has not been stripped of its natural texture or shine. Virgin hair is soft, silky, and lustrous, making it a popular choice among wig and extension wearers.

3. Exploring Raw Hair

Exploring Raw Hair

Raw hair, on the other hand, is hair that has been collected from multiple donors. It is also unprocessed and free from chemicals but may have undergone some form of cleaning or conditioning. Raw hair has a natural texture and can come in various patterns such as curly, wavy, or straight.

4. Sourcing

The primary difference between virgin hair and raw hair is the sourcing. Virgin hair is collected from a single donor, while raw hair is collected from multiple donors. Virgin hair is often considered more premium due to its sourcing process, which ensures consistency in texture and quality.

5. Processing

Virgin hair undergoes minimal processing, while raw hair may undergo some form of cleaning or conditioning. Virgin hair retains its natural texture and shine, while raw hair may be slightly altered to remove any impurities or debris.

6. Texture And Appearance

Virgin hair is known for its softness, silkiness, and natural shine. It retains its natural texture and can be easily styled or colored without any damage. Raw hair, on the other hand, may have a coarser texture and may require more maintenance to achieve a desired look.

7. Longevity

Both virgin hair and raw hair can last for a long time with proper care and maintenance. However, virgin hair is often considered more durable than raw hair due to its single donor sourcing process.

8. Price

Virgin hair is generally more expensive than raw hair due to its premium sourcing process and minimal processing. Raw hair is a more affordable option but may require more maintenance to maintain its quality over time.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, both virgin hair and raw hair are great options for those looking for high-quality human hair extensions. The main differences between the two lie in their sourcing process, processing, texture, longevity, and price. When choosing between the two, consider your budget, desired look, and maintenance requirements to make an informed decision.

both virgin hair and raw hair

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